Well I just knew there had to be a positive side to being 60.
I can't draw my pension yet and I can't have my bus pass yet - but heyhoe I have today received my free kit.
To those of you who have turned 60 you will know what I am talking about, but the youngsters amongst you won't have any idea what I am babbling on about.
But yes today my kit arrived in the post and it is not a card crafting kit I am on about - no my bowel cancer screening kit. So there you are, what else could a girl wish for when she reaches 60??
Joking aside I am really glad to actually reach that age. I thought life began at 40 but someone told me that 60 is the new 40 - yeh right! I have to say though that these last few weeks have been so hectic that I have hardly had time for crafting.
I have made a couple of family cards though and I will post them when I find a challenge that fits in with them.
Have to go and finish my ironing now.