Hi to anyone who actually reads my blog - I wish there were a few more of you but never mind!! It's quality not quantity.
Below is my contribution to the Mojo Monday Challenge No 68 - unfortunately I did not get it on my blog in time to enter the competion.

I was actually quite pleased with it but my husband didn't really like it because he said it was too plain.
Below is the sketch.

On Saturday all but one of the local rugby matches were cancelled because of the hard frost that we had Friday night, so my husband took me over to Creative Pastimes at Ellesmere Port for some more of the Pro Markers - surely I must have nearly a full set by now!!!
I had hoped that I might get to meet up with Miss Pink Piggy Wiggy but unfortunately she was otherwise engaged - we might manage it one day.
We then went up to Frodsham to Crab Apple Crafts, but didn't really buy anything there. I was really wanting to visit the Yankee Candle shop there to buy a couple of new burners (which I did). I don't know if any of you know but the person who owns that shop is none other than Bob Carolgees (but don't ask where Spit the Dog is!! He used to have a notice on the door about Spit but I don't know if it is still there or not. He probably got sick of people like me going in and saying "Ooh it's Bob Carolgees, what's happened to Spit the Dog?")
This morning my husband came home from the dentist looking very sorry for himself - he had been with toothache and came back minus a tooth. So I told him the same as he told me a couple of years ago when I lost a tooth (two actually) - it's only a tooth! Or, why don't you have them all out then you won't have any more trouble with them? I didn't get any sympathy at all, he could not understand why I was so upset about losing some teeth. The worst of it was that I have gone to the dentist every 6 months for the whole of my life so it wasn't my fault there was anything wrong with my teeth, it was the neglect of the previous dentist - so I sued him!
I have hardly made any cards since Christmas, I just don't seem to have any inspiration at all. However, below is the card I made to send off my cheque for Ovarian Cancer. I made 104 Christmas Cards.

Again, I quite liked it and my husband said it was alright but he does not like the magnolia stamps - they don't have noses!
Thanks for looking
eileen x