Well Hello, here I am at last with a card that I started sometime last week.

and I have used the theme from the Colour Create Challenge - which was Fuschia, Green & White

I am also entering it in the Papertake Weekly Challenge because the theme over there is Hot, Hot, Hot - and I think the pink is a pretty hot colour, don't you.
The papers I have used are from Pink Petticoat and the stamp is LOTV.
I have just been so busy this last week or so. Firstly, the Insurance people have wrote the car off so we have been busy looking for another one and actually got it last Friday.
Then we have spent most of the weekend looking round Nursing Homes for David's relative, Rene. The home she is in at the moment has not come up to scratch and the nursing part is being closed down so we have to find somewhere else for her. We have decided between two and left the final decision to her nephew in Canada.
Today my little grand-daughter, Florence, has been up so it has been quite hectic.
Hope you have all had a good weekend - I really will get round to looking at all your blogs!