Before we went my husband told me that "it will be about 40 degrees you know in Crete". As usual I packed all lightweight summer stuff - strappy tops and shorts etc all the usual things you pack for a summer holiday abroad.
We flew to Heraklion and then got a taxi to Hersonissos (which cost 35 Euros!!). I could have cried when we drove up to the apartments. I could not believe that I had actually booked a place that was totally on it's own at the top of a hill. We had to walk 800 metres to the main road.
I really enjoy doing a lot of walking on holiday but I thought this was going to be a bit much.
After we had unpacked we decided to walk down to the front.
We had been told that the resort ran a bus down to Hersonissos but they were only about every hour so we set off to walk. Some girls on mopeds stopped us and asked if we realized there was a bus and we said we did but wanted to walk. "Nutters, nutters you're nutters" was her remark.
As we walked from the resort to the main road we kept hearing this tinkling of bells and there were loads of goats on the land surrounding the resort. I took a photo of this one that had climbed up the tree to eat the leaves. They were dead nice.

Well we trekked off down the road to Hersonissos - 2 hours and 1 blister later we had still not reached there so we decided it was time to get something to eat and then we got a taxi back - another 12 Euros.
The weather was not overwarm - in fact it was a little bit chilly.
On the Saturday we sat on the sunbeds and read. I put my new expensive suntan lotion on although I didn't expect to get much of a tan because it was not so hot and it was quite breezy. Guess what?? I got burnt - I was really, really sore all up the front of my legs and on my tummy and sides, I just could not believe it. The next day it was so bad I had to get something from the chemist for it.
Then on Monday and Tuesday we had two days of solid rain. We decided to hire a car and travel about.
Wednesday we actually managed to go on the beach and in the sea and then on the way back to the apartment we got stopped by the police because my husband had taken his seat belt off. They wanted to charge him 350 Euros so I suppose we might end up getting a bill for that any day now.
The apartment was quite nice but I felt like we had gone back in time. For anyone who remembers what life was like without central heating, can you remember how when you got into bed at night it was so cold you could hardly move? And in the morning you didn't want to get up because it was so cold out of bed?
Well no word of a lie, that is exactly what it was like.
My husband had taken a jumper
and I had only taken one cardigan so I ended up wearing his jumper round the apartment most of the time - well I didn't want to spoil my cardigan when I had to wear it for evening meal, did I??
Then on the Thursday we arrived early at the airport and there was only about 2 couples in front of us at the checkout. When it was our turn to check in the computer for our flight broke down!! Typical. So we then had to wait ages to check in. By this time the queue to go through customs had more or less doubled in size so we stood in that for a long time. When we went through the bleeper thing they pulled me to one side and frisked me and wanted to look in my handbag and then we had to get straight on the plane. When everyone was on and the steward tried to shut the door he had a lot of trouble getting it shut so I was half expecting it to blow open once we were in the air. Luckily it didn't - or I wouldn't be here writing this would I??
Anyway apart from all that I suppose we didn't have a bad holiday.
Just to say - Thank you to everyone who has left me comments recently, please keep on looking.
thank you.