I have been very busy this last couple of days.
First of all I got up early yesterday morning and was off to the builders' merchants about 8.15am to get some flags, sand and gravel.
Then I took up the old path that was in my vegetable patch. I had put it down about 8 years ago, just temporarily, thinking my husband would do the job properly later on. Of course you know what men are like and he never did. Last year I took it up so that I could use my cultivator and my husband put the path back down. Unfortunately he did not make a very good job of it and the flags wobbled and the rain collected underneath them etc. so I decided, seeing as it was a lovely Spring day yesterday, that I would tackle the job myself.
Once I started I wished I had just left them. I ran out of flags and had to fetch some more. When I came to unload them they were not the same ones so I had to bomb back down there and swap them.

It took me all day to lay about 8 flags and I was shattered.
My husband has a rather annoying habit of not telling me things and then I will say "Oh you never told me so and so" and he will say "Well you never asked me" So, I have not told him yet about the flags and I am waiting how long it is before he notices.
Today I have been into town getting last minute things for my jolies. I am really looking forward to going on Friday.
I then took the plunge and went to the hairdressers to get my hair cut and coloured. It is the first time I have had it cut since it grew back - and the first time I have been to the hairdressers since July 2007!! Boy have I saved my husband some money! I don't know what I think of it yet and I will have to wait and see whether it is still curly when I come to wash it myself.
I will be back soon with another card for you